Members of Community Christian Church share their talents by serving on the Ministries Council. This group of committee chairs meets quarterly and includes the minister(s), the vice-chair of the General Board, and the chairs or one of the co-chairs of the following standing committees:
Christian Education
The purpose of the Christian Education Committee is to develop an effective program of Christian education for the congregation.
Assists the Ministries Council in projecting a consistent message and ministry plans through appropriate internal and external media, incorporating the strategic vision and mission of the church.
Community Christian Men
This group promotes and maintains a fellowship among the men of the congregation.
Community Christian Women
These ladies plan and organize women’s outings and retreats and promote fellowship.
Congregational Care
This committee coordinates the support given to the members and friends of the church, including all forms of crisis and long or short term needs.
Plans and hosts regular fellowship events such as Easter Breakfast, Christmas Tasting Party and Coffee Fellowship.
Human Resources
Serves the church in a consulting capacity regarding employment and development of staff.
Membership Development
Encourages church membership and welcomes new members into the fellowship of the church.
Recognizes and serves human needs in the community and the world.
The committee enlists the support from the congregation for the church universal at various denominational and ecumenical levels.
The purpose of the Property Committee is to recognize the material and financial needs of the building and grounds on both
an annual and long‑range basis and to supervise maintenance and repair of the property.
Conducts the financial stewardship campaign and the time and talent survey and maintains a continuing program of stewardship education.
The Stewardship Campaign usually takes place in October.
This committee assists the minister(s) in establishing a spirit of worship in worship services through appropriate programming of music, liturgy, preaching, and seasonal décor.
Youth Leadership Team
A very rewarding way to serve the youth of our church, grades 5-12.
Work with the ministers, youth and adults to develop programs and events to nourish our youth.